Lugano: Third Secretary Zlatanov at the event "Days of Serbian Culture―Desanka's Days"

28. May 2022.
Third Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bern Stefan Zlatanov participated in the event "Days of Serbian Culture―Desanka's Days" organised by the Serbian Cultural Association “Desanka Maksimović” from Lugano.

In his address, Third Secretary Zlatanov emphasised the importance of Serbia―Switzerland friendship and spoke about the position of the Serbian diaspora in Switzerland. He also paid a special tribute to Desanka Maksimović, talking about her life and work.

In addition to the folklore ensembles of the Serbian Cultural Association “Desanka Maksimovic” and the Serbian Cultural Association “St. Sava”, members of the Swiss Cultural and Artistic Association from Bellinzona took part in the event programme, presenting Serbian and Swiss folk costumes following their folklore dance performances. Literature professor, poet, and correspondent of the Frankfurt News Rada Rajić presented the book of poetry “A Piece of Heaven”, followed by a presentation on the life of Mileva Marić-Einstein to end the event.