Selaković: UN Security Council Resolution 1244 as the guarantee of peace and stability

11. Oct 2021.
Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, met with the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Abdulla Shahid.

Selaković congratulated Shahid on today's speech at the commemorative meeting on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, noting that the values and goals of the non-aligned largely coincide with UN priorities.

As he said, Serbia agrees with the assessment that it is necessary to strengthen multilateralism and the role of the UN in the modern world, which is facing complex challenges.

Minister Selaković informed his interlocutor about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the position of the Serbian people in the province, emphasizing that during this year there was a dramatic increase in ethnically motivated incidents against the Serbian population. He reminded that the rate of return to Kosovo and Metohija, of about 2%, is the lowest in all post-conflict areas in the world.

Emphasizing that UNSCR 1244 is the guarantee of peace and stability, the head of Serbian diplomacy said that the United Nations is a key place for defending the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as international law, in which our country finds its stronghold.

As Selaković added, Serbia insists on the importance of continuing UNMIK's engagement in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as continuous consideration of the situation in our southern province before the UN Security Council.

As Selaković pointed out, our country is consistently committed to preserving peace and stability in the region, but also to protecting the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija, and therefore we expect all actors of the international presence in Kosovo and Metohija to act objectively and status-neutral, contributing to stabilization.

Selaković added that Serbia is proving its commitment to peace by participating in five UN peacekeeping missions, with a total of 263 members, which makes us the largest contributor in the region and one of the largest in Europe given the number of inhabitants.

The Minister also informed the President of the General Assembly about the activities and results of Serbia in the field of gender equality.