Selaković: Serbia remains on the European path and does not change its policy despite the pressures

10. Jul 2022.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković stated that Serbia remained on the European and reform path and it managed to preserve its policy and the sovereign approach of choosing its own path, despite great pressures.

In a guest appearance on the Radio Television of Serbia, Selaković said that the war in Ukraine literally divided Europe and the world and the pressure Serbia was under was great, starting at a level of a secretary in one of the foreign Embassies, but that Serbia has managed to resist the pressures and preserve its policy for four and a half months already.

“Our position is clear and principled, we have taken the position of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine as an internationally recognised member state of the UN. On the other hand, we condemned an armed approach to finding a solution, we constantly call for dialogue and talks, but we have not imposed sanctions on Russia,” said Minister Selaković, and pointed out that President Aleksandar Vučić was undoubtedly under the greatest pressure.

Selaković said that there was no change in the position regarding that issue, which Serbia believed was the best for preserving its national interests.

“There is no doubt that our path is European path,” said Selaković and stated that the policy of Serbia was to preserve friendships and its state and national interests.

According to him, it is up to Serbia to continue to reform the society, Serbia will implement the obligations it has undertaken as a credible and responsible party, but there is no doubt about whether Serbia will stay on the course of defending its national and state interests, especially as regards Kosovo and Metohija.

When asked about the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština and whether a meeting between President Aleksandar Vučić and Albin Kurti was possible this month, Minister Selaković replied that Belgrade has shown its commitment to dialogue.

“It is important that when you sit down at the table, you know what is being discussed and you know whether it makes sense to discuss it or you come to be insulted, humiliated by someone who abuses the fact that you came to meet him,” said the Minister.

He stated that some of the great powers approved what Priština was doing and helped Priština to capitalise the terrorist activities into something they considered statehood, and against which Serbia was fighting and would continue to fight.

“It is difficult for many to understand that in addition to Russian, American, German and European politics, there is something called Serbian politics. It will exist as long as the state of Serbia and those who lead it - the President, Prime Minister, Government and Parliament - are fighting for that position,” underlined Selaković.

As regards the pressures on EU member states that have not recognised the so-called Kosovo to change its position and the claims from Priština that Greece could be the first one to do it, Minister Selaković said that Serbia was developing friendly and fraternal relations with Greece and it would continue to talk with representatives of EU member states that have not recognised the so-called independence of Kosovo, as well as that he would soon meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of one of those countries.

“All those countries did it, among other things, motivated by the protection of their own interests, and if it was not enough for them to see how many times the example of the so-called Kosovo was repeated as a basis for undertaking certain activities and for making certain moves, which can be heard almost every day, then what would be enough for them?” said Minister Selaković.

According to him, it is up to the official representatives of Serbia to show Serbia's commitment to dialogue and goodwill and desire to resolve issues diplomatically and politically, and to fight for the protection of Serbia's interests in Kosovo and Metohija.

“Sometimes we have to repeat like a parrot what our political position is, since that is the only way we can maintain awareness among our friends and our partners about the current situation, what we are fighting for and why it is important to preserve our friendships and have further support”, said Selaković.

Minister Selaković emphasised that, on the other hand, the policy of withdrawing recognition of the so-called Kosovo was alive and active.

“There is no doubt that Priština is the one that violated the agreements, it unilaterally decided to launch the mechanism for its membership in the Council of Europe. We will not sit idly by," said Selaković.

When asked about the relations in the region and with Montenegro, the Minister said that it was important to talk, that they wished all the best to Montenegro, but Serbia was the most important for its people and they would fight for its interests.

“I am convinced that through constant dialogue we can count on better days in our relations”, stated Minister Selaković and noted that the recent visit of Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazović to Belgrade was rated positively by the local public.